To our Australian customers!
The Australian government has announced its intention to ban all imports of nicotine for vaping, as of the 1st of January 2021. Consumers found importing nicotine after that date will be subject to fines of up to $222,000. This move is likely to drive hundreds of thousands of vapers back to smoking and a 50% chance of dying. We will be opposing this with all the resources we have to support Australian vapers.
The Australian government has delayed its ban on nicotine imports till the 1st of January 2021. Our first priority as a company is to stock take our remaining stock and try to restock as quickly as possible. Once this is sorted we can begin shipping to Australia again up until late December. An exact date will be given out closer to the time.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page or website for our Australian relaunch date! And in the meantime, sign the petition and help support each other!